
Scoliosis is one of the most significant congenital spinal deformities and greatly impacts a child’s life. When diagnosed early, it is a condition that yields successful results.

Scoliosis, a common spinal problem typically seen between the ages of 8-15, is a childhood deformity that emerges at an early age. Although it is most prevalent in this age range, it can also occur in younger children and even during the newborn period. Spinal curvature does not develop solely due to vertebral deformities but can also result from internal nerve adhesions, Spina Bifida, and other causes.

The treatment of scoliosis should begin with necessary tests and investigations to identify the underlying etiological causes, after which a treatment plan is developed. If treatments such as physical therapy, rehabilitation, or bracing do not yield results, and if additional issues such as nerve adhesions are present, surgical intervention may be considered.

Globally, scoliosis can be treated surgically from the age of 4-5.

The reasons for this include the long duration of the surgery, associated surgical risks, and the use of surgical materials during the procedure. Scoliosis can stem from congenital or acquired causes. In cases of scoliosis associated with Spina Bifida, treatment planning is typically based on the child’s walking abilities, ambulation, sitting functions, and any additional pathologies after the age of 5.

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